The Global EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 Certification Program will certify participants to administer, interpret and provide feedback on the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 suite of Emotional Intelligence Psychometric assessment reports. This certification program, licensed by Multi-Health Systems Inc, Canada will equip participants with skills and capabilities on the administration, scoring, interpretation, development, norming, reliability and validity of the EQ-i 2.0. This program is beneficial for Coaches, Facilitators, Learning & Development Professionals, Talent Development Professionals, Human Resource Professionals and anyone focused on increasing Individual, Team and Organizational Effectiveness. It will provide you with the information you will need to make educated and informed decisions regarding your employees or clients and to form the basis of sound emotional intelligence skills development program and coaching programs.
This Global Emotional Intelligence Certification program will help you to become licensed and certified to deliver emotional intelligence assessments for individuals and teams across the Globe. This is for professionals who work in the areas of executive coaching, recruitment, organizational development, employee development, management training, leadership and executive development, education, career development, consulting and Human Resources. This certification program will be fast paced, highly interactive, leverage case studies, use skill development activities and help participants to become experts in EQ-i® and the EQ 360® suite of Emotional Intelligence Psychometric Assessment reports.
Why Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence has emerged as a critical skill required for individuals, teams and organizations globally. Emotional intelligence has been ranked sixth in the World Economic Forum’s list of the top 10 skills that employees will need to possess to thrive in the workplace of the future. Emotional intelligence is not just for CEOs & Senior Leaders, but it is critical for employees at levels of the organization and at every level of a person’s career. The reality is that if someone wants to succeed in the workplace and move up the career ladder, Emotional Intelligence is critical to their success.
The EQi 2.0 Model
The EQ-i 2.0 is one of the most scientifically validated Emotional Intelligence instruments on the market today. This instrument measures the interaction between a person and his or her environment, then presents results in both numerical and graphical form. The power of this instrument is in how the five Composite Scales and fifteen Subscales (see below) allow an EI feedback specialist to predict with amazing accuracy what behaviors a person is most likely to exhibit and to pinpoint the motivations behind the behavior. The EQ-i 2.0 model shows how five Composite Scales and fifteen Subscales interact to predict behaviors. The circular nature of the model is a visual representation of how each area of Emotional Intelligence influences the next. For over 20 years, the Emotional Quotient Inventory EQ-i® and the EQ 360® have been instrumental in helping individuals and organizations predict and improve human performance. Recent research and case studies demonstrate that selection and development initiatives based on the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0 can help organizations cut costs and mitigate risks because the results obtained from this inventory provide valuable insight regarding the respondent’s ability to be successful in dealing with environmental demands and pressures.
- EQ-i 2.0 is the most scientifically validated EQ Assessment, is the first launched EQ Assessment Globally and has been in the market for over 20 years.
- Forbes Coaches Council has included the EQ-i 2.0 Assessment as one of the 11 Assessments that every Executive should take.
- EQi 2.0 can be used for Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Employee Development, Managerial Development, High Potential Identification and Development, New Leader Identification and Development, Team Coaching and Development and many more.
Learning Objectives
- Define emotional intelligence and its importance
- Describe the components of the EQ-i2.0 and the EQ 360, including defining composite scales and subscales
- Understand the science behind the EQ-i2.0 and EQ 360
- Describe best practices around administering and providing feedback on the EQ 360, and 360 tools in general
- Interpret an EQ-i2.0 and EQ 360 assessment
- Administer the EQ-i2.0and EQ 360
- Follow a structured approach to preparing for a feedback session
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct an effective assessment debrief session
- Explain the benefits of EI to their client groups
- Describe how EI applies to different disciplines • Identify the ethics pertaining to the EQ-i2.0 and EQ 360
- Identify resources available post-certification
- Assess which report type is appropriate for their client
Program Credits
- Receive 9.25 Core Competencies CCEs, and 6.75 Resource Development CCEs from ICF
- Receive 14 Credits from American Psychological Association
EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Reports
This program will license you to use 5 different EQ-i and EQ 360 Reports.
Certifying Organization
This certifying organization is Multi Health Systems, Canada. Institute of Organization Effectiveness is the Distributor for Multi Health Systems Inc, Canada in India for the EQi & EQ 360 Global Certification Program. Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS) is a leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than 30 years.
License for EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Reports
Being certified through the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Global Certification Program gives you license to use Five different EQi Reports within the EQ-i 2.0® Universe.

Contact Us
Please contact us for a detailed brochure by writing to programs@instituteofoe.com or WhatsApp +91-9150049497.